Celebrating Care Beyond the Clinic

October 05, 2018 |

On Aug. 31, Mountain Park Health Center held its Eighth Annual Diversity Site Council Summit. This year’s event focused on building partnerships that go beyond the clinic and addressed how we, as a community, can build strong relationships and work together to create impactful outcomes.

“We wanted to connect, reenergize and look toward the future on how we can work together to better serve our patients and community,” Gregorio Montes De Oca, Diversity and Community Affairs Associate Director, said.

As was the case last year, our summit ended a year of connections made through our quarterly Diversity Site Councils. These meetings bring together Mountain Park staff and patients as well as community partners representing those we serve. Through these councils we are able to make better informed decisions and close the gaps on many barriers that stand between our patients and their access to healthcare.

participants at the summit got to learn a little bit more about another by participating in various activities. 
This year, participants at the summit got to learn a little bit more about another by participating in various activities. 

“Mountain Park has offered our employees a safe setting where we can show our vulnerabilities and our passions,” said Dr. Wylie Carhartt from our Gateway Clinic. “We focused on how we can impact other people and how we can develop ways to form a community that’s strong and thriving.”

This year, guest speakers from David Crocket Elementary School and South Phenix Healthy Start, among others, talked about what they do to build long-lasting partnerships.

By enhancing community collaboration, Mountain Park aims to improve the health of our entire community.