We are currently offering
over-the-phone visits with your prenatal Care Team. If an in-person visit is required, it will be determined by your provider on a case-by-case basis to ensure the safety of you and your child.

Caring for You and Your Baby

It takes a village to have and raise a child and we are here for you with an entire team of people working together to keep you healthy and informed. Whether this is your first child or your fourth, or you are dealing with a high-risk pregnancy, we are here for you every step of the way.

At Mountain Park, we call the professionals caring for you your Care Team. This team is made up of your doctor or nurse practitioner, a clinical pharmacist, behavioral health consultant and registered dietitian. They all work together in one exam room to help you have a healthy pregnancy and answer all your questions.

Our registered dietitians are there to ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need during and after your pregnancy. The behavioral health consultant is there when you feel uncertain or scared. And our clinical pharmacist will help manage any medications you may be taking, to make sure you and your baby are safe.

If problems arise or you find out you are having multiple babies, we are here for you. As the first community health center in the valley to have a high-risk team, we’re able to keep all our pregnant moms’ services in our medical home.

Whatever the situation, we are here for you and excited to share this special moment in your life.

Meet Your High-Risk Team

Whether you are having a multiple birth, or are dealing with some complications, we have an entire Care Team to help you answer all your questions and help you have a healthy pregnancy.

Your Healthy Pregnancy

The first three months of your pregnancy tend to be full of emotions. Not only is the news of a new addition to the family emotional on its own, at the same time your body is going through many changes. These changes may make you happy one second, exhausted the next and crying five minutes later. This is all normal. We share with you the most common changes your body will go through during the first 13 weeks.

  • Delivering with Mountain Park
  • What to Expect: Week 0 to 13
  • Tests During Pregnancy
  • When to Call a Nurse?
  • Nausea in Pregnancy
  • Safety in Pregnancy
  • Safe Medications During Pregnancy.
  • Hospital Information

Click here for our informational first trimester packet!

As you move into the second trimester, some of the symptoms from the first trimester will leave and be replaced with new ones. This is also an exciting time because you will start to feel your baby move. We share with you the most common changes your body will go through during the second trimester.

  • What to Expect: Week 14 to 27

Click here for our informational second trimester packet!

You are closer to the end of your pregnancy! With the last trimester your body will continue changing. If you have any concerns, or you feel sad or unsure, contact your Care Team. If you have other children this is a great time to prepare them for the new sibling. The closer you are to the due date, the more your body prepares itself for delivery of your baby. We share with you the most common changes your body will go through during the third and final trimester.

  • What to Expect: Week 28 to 40
  • Getting Ready for Baby

Click here for our informational third trimester packet!

Before you have your new baby, it is important to choose a provider. The first year of a child’s life is full of doctor visits, immunizations and questions. We are here to help you make the best choices as a parent. Our young patients, just like you, get to see a doctor, registered dietitian, behavioral health consultant and dentist in one room! This gives them a great start in life from day one.

Click Here to Meet all of Our Pediatricians

The day has arrived! Whether you have a scheduled C-Section or are having a natural birth the staff at Banner University Medical Center (BUMC) will guide you through the last steps of your pregnancy. Your Care Team will help you coordinate your delivery date and keep you informed.

Click here to learn about BUMC Pre-Natal Classes or to sign up for a FREE BUMC Labor and Delivery Tour

The first few weeks after birth are filled with many physical and emotional changes, this packet contains more information about what to expect and what to look for when you are home from the hospital.

  • Dealing With Post Baby Blues
  • Safe Medications While Breastfeeding
  • Keeping Baby Safe
  • Breastfeeding Help
  • WIC Programs
  • When to Call a Nurse
  • What to Expect: Changes with your Body

Click here for our informational packet to help you during the early days with baby!