Katherine Cecala
I am a fourth generation Arizonian, but I grew up all over the county. I came back to Arizona in 1990 and I love living here with my husband and our three rescue dogs. My hobby is volunteering. I have been involved in many different organizations, so picking a favorite cause is really difficult for me. My passions include healthcare and serving people, so I love being involved with Mountain Park
I first learned about Mountain Park Health Center’s incredible work when I was working as an administrator at Mayo Clinic. Mountain Park started working with Mayo on breast cancer and mammography efforts. From there, I joined the board for the first time and am a returning board member. I’m on the finance committee and work with the grants we receive as well as strategic planning to make sure funds are being used efficiently.
I love the mission here at Mountain Park! Providing our community with affordable, quality care is so essential to our everyday lives. I believe everyone deserves to have access to care. If you don’t have your health, how can you even think about raising a family or getting an education? Healthcare is critical to people surviving and thriving.
My hope is that Mountain Park will continue to be a leader in helping improve the health conditions of our community.