Morgan Johnson
As a leader within a higher education institution in Arizona, my primary focus is educating the next generation, including healthcare workers. I became a member of the Mountain Park Health Center Board of Directors in February of 2024. Being a member aligns with my personal values and desire to be involved with our community in leadership and advocacy roles. I have also had an opportunity to be a patient at Mountain Park, and experienced first-hand the excellent care and support that patients receive.
I grew-up in the Midwest and lived in San Diego for ten years prior to living in Phoenix. I’ve lived in the Valley for almost three years now but have been traveling and visiting family here since 2016. My husband Mark and I have three children. Our twin boys, Oliver and Mile, are in middle school, and our daughter, Stella, is in grade school. In addition to Board governance, I thoroughly enjoy participating in Mountain Park events and getting to spend time with Mountain Park staff and providers, patients, and community partners.
My hope for Mountain Park over the next few years is that it continues to grow and expand services to meet the needs of the community. This includes expansion of physical spaces; growth in the workforce that reflects the medical needs of our communities; a focus on preventative and collaborative care models; and a continued commitment to accessible and affordable quality healthcare.