November 30, 2017 | Volunteer
Our Volunteer Program celebrated its first anniversary on October 30. In just one year, our volunteers were able to make a program impact valued at approximately $160,000.
What does that dollar value look like? Check out our brief video and see a quick snapshot of a day-in-the-life of our volunteers.

Meet Ian, a volunteer at our Gateway Clinic.
Ian is a student at Gateway Community College and volunteers as part of our Reach Out and Read Program. He takes time out of his busy schedule to read to pediatric patients in our waiting rooms.
At Mountain Park, we understand that reading to young children is the single most important experience for future academic success. Waiting for an appointment is the perfect time to read and promote literacy!

Meet Naomi and Martha, volunteers at our Maryvale Clinic.
Naomi and Martha spent over 100 hours this summer serving breakfast and lunch to children as part of our Summer Lunch Buddies Program.
This program helped Mountain Park to provide over 9,000 summer meals at our clinics ensuring every child’s belly is full when school is out for the summer.

Meet Franklin Police and Fire High School students, volunteers at our Tempe Run/Walk Series and Christown Bike Rodeo.
We love partnering with local student groups. This year many of these groups joined us during our events. These students helped in our kid’s zone, worked the race course cheering on the runners, and assisted with bike safety tips.
Meet Pathways Transition Program at Shadow Mountain High school.
Students conducted a book drive at their high school to benefit our Reach Out and Read Program. Community members donated over 3,000 books to Mountain Park in the last year.
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