July 30, 2015 | Staff Stories
Mountain Park Health Center has partnered with the Goodyear Branch Library to teach our community’s youth about the power held by superheroes all around them.
This summer Dr. Martinez, a Mountain Park Pediatrician, donned his doctor’s lab coat to talk to kids at the 2015 Summer Reading Program about the work he does every day. He then opened it up, revealing his secret superhero t-shirt, and explained how healthcare providers are superheroes for families all around us. Dr. Martinez talked about the importance of healthcare and and what it’s like to be a doctor.
During the event kids made health-themed crafts and were able to talk to Dr. Martinez about anything they wanted. They learned that going to the doctor isn’t scary at all!
To make an appointment at Mountain Park Health Center, call (602) 243-7277.

Phoenix Children’s Homeless Youth Outreach loves and misses Dr. Martinez!! It is great to see him involved in such great things!